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    Huitong Industrial Development Zone

    2024-09-06 18:20Source:http://www.huaihua.gov.cn/

    Huitong Industrial Development Zone has a planned area of 207.87 hectares. There are now 105 enterprises in the development zone, including 25 industrial enterprises above the designated size, 29 high-tech enterprises, and eight “little giant” enterprises that use special and sophisticated technologies to produce novel and unique products. There are also 15 public service platform at or above the provincial level, three producer service institutions, one makerspace incubator, and one enterprise listed on the sci-tech board of Hunan Equity Exchange. The development zone has 110 kV, 35 kV and 10 kV power supply lines, 937 public rental housing units, standardized factory buildings of about 250,000 square meters, and sewage treatment facilities with a daily treatment capacity of 3,000 tons. It has formed an industrial development pattern with bag & suitcase, Chinese medicinal materials and other industries as the leading industries.

    Leading and characteristic industries: Bag & suitcase (sofa), Chinese medicinal materials, pig, and bamboo deep processing industries

    Contact: Su Li Contact number: 19375086987

    (Translated by Professor Yu Jie)