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    Hunan's Ecological Environment Continues to Improve

    2024-07-21 23:58Source:http://www.enghunan.gov.cn

    The Hunan Department of Ecology and Environment held a press briefing on July 19, releasing the annual Bulletin of Ecological and Environmental Conditions in Hunan Province. According to the bulletin, Hunan's ecological and environmental quality continued to improve.

    Hunan has maintained stable air quality in 2023. The percentage of days with good air quality reached 90.5% in 13 cities and one prefecture and 95.1% in 90 county-level cities, representing increases of 2.9 and 1.6 percentage points compared to 2022.

    The water environment quality has been improving steadily. The proportion of surface water classified as fairly good quality in 147 surface water sections (sites) under the national monitoring program and 534 sections under the provincial monitoring program reached 98.6% and 97.2% respectively.