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    Xu presided over a meeting to study and arrange the work on flood prevention and disaster relief

    2024-07-04 17:17Source:hhttp://www.huaihua.gov.cn

    On the evening of July 3, Xu Zhongjian, secretary of the CPC Huaihua Municipal Party Committee, presides over a meeting to study and arrange the work on flood control and disaster relief. (Photo/Yang Zhiwei)

    On the evening of July 3, Xu Zhongjian, secretary of the CPC Huaihua Municipal Party Committee, presided over a meeting to study and arrange the work on flood control and disaster relief, to make an in-depth study of and carry out General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guiding principles on flood prevention and disaster relief, to study the instructions by Shen Xiaoming, secretary of CPC Hunan Provincial Party Committee, and Vice Secretary of CPC Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Governer of Hunnan Government Mao Weiming’s speech in Huaihua to inspect flood prevention and disaster relief, make known some relevant issues and schedule the priorities on flood control and disaster relief.

    Xu Zhongjian emphasized that we must draw a lesson, find out gaps in ideology and work, and endeavor to avert the mentality of mere chance and slacking attitude, ensuring that the bottom line of safety is kept in terms of ideology, strength and measure. It is of necessity to effectively enhance the management of evacuated people, provide basic living needs for them, comfort them mentally, carry out the measures for rotation on duty in risk areas, and send them home in an orderly way after the requirement of time for avoiding risks is met and the safety assessment for returning home is gratified. No efforts will be spared to effectively prevent major risks, and to continue to strengthen the investigation, monitoring and prevention of key areas in response to the later geological disasters, engineering dangers during the falling period and the house-collapsing risks for the sake of safety. It is imperative to effectively carry out post-disaster recovery and reconstruction by restoring flood-damaged transportation, water conservancy, electricity, and communications infrastructure, speeding up the elimination of dangers, ensuring smooth traffic, cleaning up and disinfecting disaster-hit areas to stop the spread of diseases, and guiding farmers to regrow crops or shift to grow another crop in the disaster-stricken areas to restore normal production and living order as soon as possible. Work should be done to make good preparations for drought relief and scientifically store or conserve water on the premise of ensuring flood control to prepare for possible change from floods to droughts directly.We must effectively do a good job in workplace safety and implement the “three controls and three musts” requirements. While helping enterprises resume production, we must pay close attention to hazardous chemicals, fires, fireworks and firecrackers, transportation, industrial production, building work, public service places, tourism attractions, prevention of student drowning and other key areas and weak links, carry out large-scale investigations and rectification for potential hazards, strengthen management for risks, and work to prevent secondary disasters and accidents concerning safety from occurring after major disasters. 

    Municipal leaders Li Weilin, Hu Heping and Du Dengfeng attended the meeting.

    (Translated by Yang Sigui)