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    Xu emphasizes during his Tongdao inspection: vigorously developing rural characteristic industries to broaden channels for farmers to increase income

    2024-07-26 10:29Source:https://www.huaihua.gov.cn/

    Xu Zhongjian listens to the processing and industrial development of traditional Chinese medicine at the Jingwuzhou Town Traditional Chinese Medicine Distribution Center. (Photo/Yang Zhiwei, Huaihua Daily)

    From July 24th to 25th, Xu Zhongjian, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Huaihua, conducted research on industrial development, rural revitalization, grassroots development of the Party, and grassroots burden reduction in Tongdao Dong Autonomous County. Municipal leader Li Weilin attended.

    At the Traditional Chinese Medicine Distribution Center in Jingwuzhou Town, Xu Zhongjian gained a detailed understanding of the processing and industrial development of traditional Chinese medicine, encouraged enterprise leaders to strengthen their main business, adhere to innovation, further expand production scale, improve the mechanism of linking the interests of enterprises with farmers and village collectives, and drive more farmers to increase their income.

    Arriving at Wenpo Village in Yatunbao Town, Xu Zhongjian walked into the Dong brocade inheritance base to gain a detailed understanding of the protection, inheritance, and industrial development of intangible cultural heritage. He emphasized the need to adhere to integrity and innovation, strengthen cooperation with universities and enterprises, promote the revitalization and utilization of intangible cultural heritage, develop cultural and creative products, promote the deep integration of intangible cultural heritage and tourism, and make cultural heritage shine with new brilliance in the new era.

    In the Sanshengpo (“Three-Province Slope”) area of Village of Dupo Town, Xu Zhongjian gained a detailed understanding of grassroots development of the Party, industrial development, and the creation of ethnic unity and progress. He emphasized the need to fully leverage the leading role of party development, comprehensively strengthen the construction of grassroots organizations of the Party, actively explore new models of grassroots governance, and promote the comprehensive revitalization and efficiency improvement of rural areas through high-quality Party development. Based on the unique geographical advantage of the border between the three provinces, we should develop characteristic agricultural and tourism industries according to local conditions, and continuously promote agricultural efficiency and farmers' income growth, Xu said, adding that we must solidly promote the demonstration and joint creation work of forging a sense of community for the Chinese nation in the "Three-Province Slope" region of Hunan, Guangxi, and Guizhou, promote extensive exchanges, exchanges, and integration among all ethnic groups, and work together for unity, struggle, prosperity, and development.

    In Dagaoping Village of Dagaoping Miao Ethnic Township, Xu Zhongjian had a detailed understanding of rural revitalization and grassroots burden reduction. He emphasized the need to cultivate a group of "local experts" and "field talents", lead poverty-stricken areas and people to enhance their endogenous development momentum, improve the mechanism of agricultural cooperation, solidly carry out the principle of "local specialties", and do everything possible to increase farmers' income. We need to deepen the expansion and rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on grassroots, and better motivate grassroots cadres to take on responsibilities, work hard, and start businesses, Xu said.

    At Tongdao Youjiaotou Food Co., Ltd., Xu Zhongjian conducted on-site inspections to understand the production situation, business operations, market development, and other aspects of the enterprise. He emphasized the need to base on resource endowment, industrial foundation, and market demand, identify the focus and main direction, strive to form brand characteristics, and continuously improve market competitiveness. We need to establish a stable and long-term mechanism for linking interests, effectively driving farmers to increase their income and become prosperous, Xu said.

     (Translated by Le Guobin)