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    Li Chunqiu inspects the construction of the experience zone of intangible cultural heritage in the Huaihua International Land Port Economic Development Zone

    2024-07-15 16:16Source:https://www.huaihua.gov.cn/

    Li Chunqiu, deputy secretary of the CPC Huaihua Municipal Committee and mayor of Huaihua City, inspects the construction of the experience zone of intangible cultural heritage in the Huaihua International Land Port Economic Development Zone on June 14. (Photo/Pan Yu)

    When inspecting the construction of the experience zone of intangible cultural heritage in the Huaihua International Land Port Economic Development Zone on June 14, Li Chunqiu stressed the need to thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping Thought on Culture as well as implement the spirit of the important speeches and instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection tour in Hunan to better shoulder new cultural missions, fully promote the utilization of intangible cultural heritage, and activate new consumption in the field of cultural tourism through the experience of intangible cultural heritage. Municipal leaders Hu Chen and Ma Yuan accompanied Li on the inspection tour.

    Li Chunqiu gained a thorough understanding of the construction plan and operational approach of projects at the construction site. After listening to relevant reports, Li pointed out that the project of Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Zone in the Economic Development Zone serves as a crucial platform for inheriting and promoting China’s fine traditional culture, and as a powerful tool for building a regional consumer hub, attracting visitors, and boosting consumption. It is imperative to fully leverage the abundant resources of intangible cultural heritage in Huaihua and position the Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Zone as the core and driving force for revitalizing and utilizing such heritage to stimulate consumption.

    Mr. Li demanded that the layout of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Experience Zone be further refined, with a focus on customer experience. By seamlessly integrating traditional culture with modern technology, interactivity and attractiveness should be enhanced to ensure that visitors will be impressed by the charm of intangible cultural heritage. It is essential to strengthen coordination and cooperation, actively raise funds, and accelerate the construction progress while ensuring quality and safety, so as to facilitate the early completion and operation of the project. Furthermore, it is important to promote the inheritance, promotion, and protection of intangible cultural heritage through industrialized development.

    (Translated by Yang Hong)