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    Xu underscores the need to develop a more locally identifiable brand on cultural tourism during the research in Xinhuang

    2024-06-16 17:37Source:http://www.huaihua.gov.cn


    (On June 15, Xu Zhongjian, secretary of the the CPC Huaihua Municipal Committee, made an investigation in Xinhuang in terms of the development of the cultural tourism, reduction of burdens on community-level officials, preventive preparations for floods, and other work. The picture shows Xu Zhongjian learning about the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism at the Sanzhai Rice Culture Exhibition Hall in Sanzhai Village of Fuluo Town. Photo / Yang Zhiwei)

    On June 15, Xu Zhongjian, secretary of the the CPC Huaihua Municipal Committee, made an investigation in Xinhuang in terms of the development of the cultural tourism, reduction of burdens on community-level officials, preventive preparations for floods, and other work. He stressed that it is of necessity to carefully study and put into practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches and instructions during his inspection in Hunan, to continue to facilitate the in-depth integration of culture with tourism, highlighting regional features and cultural connotations, and to strive to develop a more locally identifiable brand on cultural tourism, hoping to promote the high-quality development of the intra-county economy. Municipal leaders Li Weilin, Hu Chen and Zhou Zhongyan attended the investigation.

    In Saizhai Village of Fuluo Town, Xu Zhongjian walked into the Culture Exhibition Center for Minority Groups and the Sanzhai Rice Culture Exhibition Hall to learn more about the integration of agriculture, culture and tourism, reduction of the burdens on community-level officials, and so on. He stressed the necessity of  digging into cultural connotation of minority groups and of cultivating tourism products with national cultural traits and regional features from cultural studies on minority groups in accordance with local conditions. It is of necessity to continue to consolidate and expand the gains from reducing the burdens on and empowering community-level officials, letting these officials have more time and energy to effectively serve the people.

    In the Yelang Grand Canyon, Xu Zhongjian learned in detail about the development of the scenic spot as well as the preventive preparations for floods. He emphasized that it is of necessity to, on the basis of the characteristics of landscapes, ensure the construction of supporting facilities in the scenic spot, enhancing the quality and attractiveness of the spot across the board. It is necessary to resolutely adhere to the bottom line principle of safety for aquatic ecosystem and water environment, and, on the basis of comprehensive management of river basins, to work to ensure the ecological environmental protection. We will see to it that the measures of control and preparations for floods can be implemented fully and that preventive response to mountain torrents and geological disasters can be made well.

    In the ancient town of Longxi, Xu Zhongjian learned in detail about the construction of red education bases, research bases and post stations. He underlined the necessity of continuously passing on the tradition of revolution and, alongside the study and education of Party discipline, of encouraging red revolutionary education to achieve greater results. We will, on the basis of resource endowment, be committed  to scientific approach to planning and to setting up characteristic post stations and docks, hoping to attract more tourists.

    After coming to Shuangxi Village in Baotouxiang Miao Township, Xu Zhongjian learned in detail about the reduction of burdens on community-level officials and  preventive preparations for floods, and so on. He underscored the need to enhance the consciousness of “feeling relaxed while holding high responsibility”, to make solid efforts to carry out the initiative of “Four Requirements for Going down to Grass-roots Communities” with a view to addressing problems or difficulties for people, and to help people out of troubles with heart and soul, bolstering people’s well-being. It is of necessity to further strengthen the building of rescue forces at the grass-roots level and the reserve of materials for flood control, and do a solid job in emergency plans and emergency drills, ensuring that in the event of dangerous situations and disasters, we can respond quickly and effectively.

    In the survey, Xu Zhongjian pointed out that Xinhuang, located in the westernmost part of Hunan Province, has been the last stop from the Central Plains to Yunnan and Guizhou since ancient times, thus winning the title of “Head of Chu (the central part of Ancient China) and Tail of Qian (shortened form of Guizhou Province)”. Based on this unique location advantage, we should strive to develop a more recognizable brand on cultural tourism with regional characteristics of “no more friends will be seen to the west of Xinhuang”. We are to stay committed to the integration of local culture with tourism and to the exploration of the historical cultures like Yelang and Post Station as well as the ethnic culture such as Dong and Miao customs, striving to develop a new scene, new business type, and new model of cultural tourism. We will, on the basis of the existing tourism industry in the county and its adjacent areas, further bolster the layout to form characteristic boutique tourism routes, and boost marketing and promotion to increase the popularity and reputation of the scenic spot, letting Xinhuang characteristic cultural tourism “become alive” and go viral”.

    (Translated by Yang Sigui)